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The AltKuz Social Housing for all !

AltKuznets offers a Financially-sound, Market-oriented, Socially-integrative Affordable Housing design that is quantitative and amenable to simulation. Our design leverages Mint Galactic streams to monetize Housing Resources thru the Precinct DSM. The Design is equitable, socially-sensitive, and is conformable with Precinct Sustainability goals. It incentivizes Precincts to compete for 'Land-Iota PQ Housing' resources on basis Sustainability metrics. Resources raised at the Inter-Precinct DSM are apportioned competitively to Public Housing thru Bid-Offer-based markets.

Our Strategy issues Houses with ETFs, and thus increments Social Liquidity conducive to the Realty Sector. Member Houses are NAV-incentivized to seek privately-strategic and socially-compatible attributes in their subscribing Houses and Families. It facilitates trading within, and across Precincts, and facilitates inter-Societal transfers. In addition, it permits of pareto & opportunistic interaction between Real Households and Nominal families.

Our Strategy is conformable with SDG & LIFE goals, and an essential component of the DNM. It obtains a hard-to-replicate Pareto between the Sovereign, the Political Coterie, Realtor Interests, EO & Sustainability Organizations, Precinct Economy and indeed, the networked Real Society.  

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The AltKuz FinTech Duo !

AltKuznets offers, in its first foray in to Emerging Finance, its CBDC FinTech Paradigm - a new CBDC leveraged Whole Finance-Nominal Monetary strategy that promises to revolutionalize the world of Finance .... galactically! Our Strategy derives from a Human-denominated Galactic Future and posits a UMU-accompanied $F3 & $M2 Mother & Father CBDCs, that are, thereafter, leveraged to obtain Remedial, Social, Piety, Armament & Schump lines, as well as Prudential, R&D, Regulatory & Sectoral M2 lines. The AltKuznets-proposed UMUs obtain equilibration of a myriad social matters and economic transactions in to the Next. We indicate how the Precinct UMU Escrow trades could generate ‘Public & Private Cause AI’ and how the same could be applied to a variety of inter-temporal and inter-jurisdictional issues – including Trade, Inter-life Wealth allocation, Riverine Disputes, Next Status, etc, to solve externalities to their (social) asymptotes. Our Strategy integrates Sustainability and Innovation in to a global M2 Strategy that obtains expedited outcomes beneficial to the global society.

Our ‘’ strategy takes on the challenge of a programmatic approach to generating Capital for Public Sustainability initiatives. It leans on IT & AI – at the Frontier, and what is in the realm of the Possible, to propose an entirely private and digital strategy to stake Public Sustainability Capital with Inventor/Entrepreneur-submitted proposals that augment Public Sustainability. Our Strategy indicates how Confidential Business Interests could be collated by the Financial Institution/Banker, and processed through a universal ‘Tau’ & a ‘PAPAD’ Criterion to evaluate its public worth and availability and programmatically seek Remedial CBDCs broached above. We also broach a novel Biz FV-Bet ZS strategy that offers a 'narrow-band CI equivalent' predictions of future Business success, and leverage the same in Mint-Precinct Sustainability CBDCs to privately issue Sustainability Capital to the Entrepreneur.

AltKuznets claims this FinTech Duo, with multiple novel instruments and strategies would fundamentally alter global finances, and bring about an equitable, balanced, dynamic and efficient human society that is focussed on achieving its fullest galactic potential. We stake a global, IBM-scale FinTech firm, and invite formal Investor Interest.

Welcome the CBDC Revolution - the AltKuz Way !


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Freight n Fly !

AltKuznets proposes a unique Business proposition that is as much environmentally- Sustainability-enhancing, as it is a new niche with profit potential.

Our proposals outlines the various Sovereign, Market and Precinct lines available to this niche, and how we may obtain the larger goal of Climate Sustainability while maximizing profits from pursuing a Schump-enhanced, inter-modal strategy. 

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Capital Gains ETFs

Investment Returns that accrue Investors in the Capital market, and realized gains on Market appreciation of Capital assets & other Corporate Investments attract Capital Gains Tax. This Tax recompenses the Government both for infrastructural services it provides, and for funding remediation & compensation programs. By taking cognizance of, and taxing the associated FV, Capital Gains taxes act much as a friction on the economic activity, reduce its level of activity at home and abroad, impact upon Stock valuations & global FV-influenced PE, and thus reduce market valuations. It is little surprise Capital Gains taxes are frowned upon by Economists and Policy makers. AltKuznets offers a potential resolution to this two-edged dilemma. Our design is market-based, conducive to Sustainability gains, and obtains a vibrant, Technology-focused Capital market.

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Insurance-leveraged Sustainability

Sustainability, in its various forms – Social, Political and Environmental, has an indelible impression on the society and the markets. Sustainability is also fundamental to replication of the society in to larger contexts. Whereas Sustainability is quantified in various metrices and indices, the same is reflected in Capital markets in the form of Yields, Returns and Inflation. Specifically, and whereas Returns in Equity are oftentimes correlated negatively, Inflation, both monetary and at the Bullion, are symptomatic of incipient or cumulative unsustainability. AltKuznets has, in its earlier Business proposals, outlined how Taxes – Personal and Capital Gains, as well as Personal Next Status, could be leveraged to increment Precinct and extra-Precinct Sustainability. Here, we broach a strategy to leverage Personal Life Insurance to increment Sustainability.

Life Insurance, a discretion of the Rich and upwardly mobile in the century earlier, has since turned a necessity in the modern Nominal economy characterized by a myriad diffused risk that originate in Public Infrastructural conveniences and Private LQ pursuits. Life Insurance has since diversified in its offering from the plain vanilla policy to complex Annuity and Endowment strategies that are tailored specifically to the each individual and his or her personal context. As the per-capita economy expands, Life Insurance has turned from an essential Risk-attenuating strategy to something that is, in part, a family asset – a reassurance of a soft landing in emergencies. For these reasons, Insurance Policies have since turned a Health and a Risk Diligence, and add to a Policy-holder’s sense of security, if not social standing.

Capital markets are the source of dynamism and growth in the economy. They are also engendering of Volatility due their play on the uncertain future as expressed thru multitudes of investors with different short-term and longer stakes. Such Volatility episodes a particular concern for Equity-oriented Wealth funds and their Wealthy Subscribers, who, due their size and inter-generational tenure of investments, suffer the prospect of unwittingly funding an upstart or fresh recalcitrant in the market with each Volatility episode. Left unresolved, the disincentive to participate in the Capital market obstructs investments in long-run Sustainability, and forces the society and the economy to abort in to a perpetually short-run, unsustainable state characterized by falling economic growth, employment, income and wages. Concomitantly, an unsustainable economy inflates Gold to such extent that they cut in to, and erode returns to long-term Equity investing, thus and yet again reversing Sustainability incentives. Insurance firms that operate a tenure-differentiated Bond portfolio find their spreads shrinking in times such Volatility, and prefer the Short to Long Bonds, undercutting many a Sustainability investment. These impacts on Sustainability cumulate across sources and over time to reduce the state of the Society, the economy, even the FX.

AltKuznets perceives an opportunity in leveraging the expanding reach and prevalence of Life Insurance Policies to add to Precinct Public Sustainability. AltKuznets proposes a financial market strategy that re-aligns incentives and induces an Insurance-leveraged Sustainability revolution. Our Capital Market Strategy operates across Wealth Funds, the Bond Coterie, Equity markets, Sustainability Biz and the Bullion, and obtains a pareto common to all market sections. It offers Bond market-manipulated Sustainability Dollops that are issued the many Life-insured as rebates calibrated to their Sustainability purchases and records. The prospect of larger Policy rebates over time that add to Personal Disposable Income, and the Health Social Offer could induce significant participation from the Insured public. Consequent such incentives, the Insured public would pro-actively seek and purchase Sustainability Certificates, thus obtaining a larger Sustainability outcome when acting on their personal incentives. These Sustainability gains potentially obtain Policy holders a ‘Daphne Axial Health Social Offer’ as well.

AltKuznets plans to twin its ‘Inter-life Wealth Fund strategy’ to this ‘Within-life LYF Insurance Strategy’ proposed here. We intend to incorporate an Insurance-leveraged Sustainability Consultancy firm, and invite interests from the Public, Multi-lateral Organizations and Private Investors.

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Status-leveraged Sustainability

This globally-unique Design elucidates how Citizens may leverage Sustainability-imbued Certificates with their Precinct to add to Personal Status and seek an upgraded Next Offer. Our Strategy integrates with the generation of Sustainability Capital at the Inter-Precinct DSM, and adds to Precinct Employment & Commerce!

Upgrade yourself...Help the Planet!

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The AltKuznets Resolution to Medical Plastics

The raging pandemic, the rise of social medical programs and subscription to medical insurance have incremented the demand for Medical Services as have a general rise in Income and Health-consciousness. The consequent impact on the generation of less-recyclable Medical Plastics is taken little of. 

Shouldn't Public Health be dovetailed to Precinct Sustainability? AltKuznets offers a solution that leans on Recycling Economics, and FV Finance to obtain a cleaner, more sustainable Precinct. 

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The AMT-Crypto Cocktail !

Infrastructure is an essential component of the early growth story of any nation. Our design offers a unique personal Tax-saving strategy coupled to a Lag-Lead Infrastructure Budget parallel with the issue of 'Tax Cryptos' & 'Political Tryptos'. The design adds to Sustainability by offering Tax Recovery proportional purchases of Sustainability Certificates.... and generates Precinct 6G Capital!

A Must for Developing Nations !

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As a Design- & Policy-focussed IPR-sensitive firm, AltKuznets prefers a well-defined & clearly demarcated context to operate its business.

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