AltKuznets Sustanability Advisors Pvt Ltd

WARNING: Privacy, Payment, Copyright & IPR Policy

AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Private Limited is a Private firm registered with the MCA, Govt. of India. It intends to follow rules and regulations applicable all Business entities, and those required specifically of OPC Private Limited firms. Those involve Business Rights, IPR and Copyright Privileges of AltKuznets, its Director and members, as well as the Privacy of Individuals and the confidentiality of Corporates it does business with.

AltKuznets respects the Privacy of Individual Consumers, the Confidentiality of Business transactions. and intends to conform to generally-accepted principles and ethics. Specifically, AltKuznets will not share personal Customer, or sensitive Business or Banking information for marketing, or other social or commercial purposes except as required by law. Concomitantly, and as spelled out explicitly in a legal Affidavit, AltKuznets intends to vigorously protect its Business Confidentiality, Copyright Rights and the IPR rights of its Director, as well the confidentiality of its Banking Transactions in all contexts and spheres of its activity within and beyond its registered jurisdiction, take remedial, even punitive action against infractors, and claim damages as may be deemed legally appropriate. We bank with HDFC BANK, 1513/E1 East Main Road, Anna Nagar West Extn, Chennai 600101, Tamil Nadu India.

Questions in this regard may be addressed to