AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors
Your Sustainability Nirvana !

What we are

Welcome to the Online Offices of AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd. Headed by a Director with academic, professional and regulatory credentials from the US, AltKuznets prides itself for original Sustainability Ideas that leverage the power of Macro-Designs and Whole Finance to offer solutions that solve externalities comprehensively and efficiently. Beyond the Sustainability agenda, Alt-Kuznets undertakes Designs, Models and Strategies that anticipate and address Environmental and Policy Issues associated with Emerging Technology in dynamic Economies, and offers Social/Whole-Finance-leveraged Macro- and Micro-economic Policy resolutions that sustainably enhance the long-term outlook of the Sector.  

Alt-Kuznets offers copyrighted Sustainability-incrementing Regulatory & BizProposals and participates in Sustainability & Innovation Challenges. It also undertakes business of providing advisory services to Governments, Regulatory Institutions, Environmental Organizations, NGOs and Corporates that increment the efficiency of Social, Political, Technological, Economic processes and Financial markets, and which obtain a politically-balanced, environmentally-sustainable, data-intensive, technologically-efficient, financially-leveraged, and faster-growing Socio-economy. It lends its expertise in matters Advice, Comments, Critiques and Legal Opinion on various contemporary social, and economic Rules & Regulations, Regulatory Submissions, Court Rulings, as well as Government & Institutional Policy decisions.

Appreciate the value of AltKuznets Sustainability Capital in your context ..... Play this AltKuz Intro on your Desktop ! 

The AltKuz Difference!

Macro Design

AltKuznets Experts specialize in integrated, comprehensive forward-looking designs 

Commitment to Sustainability

Our Designs are inherently sustainable, and are find favor with all sections of Society

Whole Finance

Holistic Designs that strategically integrate Economic Models with Political Sociology & Social Finance 


AltKuz scouts the Policy & Technology frontlnes to offer foresighted designs that are robust accross generations  


Macro Design

Alt-Kuznets Advisors offers macro-designs that are a class-apart from Text-book Economics. Its holistic models are cognizant of Whole-Finance and Sociology of the Real society, for which reason they find better acceptability with the Public. 

Smart Ideas

AltKuznets leverages  Theory and multi-disciplinary Knowledge base to offer Commercial strategies that make a Million......a Day!  

Opinions, Comments & Critiques 

Not sure you agree with your Company Economist or Regulatory Expert? Lean on Alt-Kuz for a Second Opinion, or a Critique!  

Quant. Modeling

Alt-Kuznets offers quantitative modeling and simulation capabilities that add strategic information to your decision-making. 

The Director's Vision and Perspectives

Our Director has unmatched qualifications & experience in Resources & Environmental Regulatory Policy. With an MTech from IIT Kharagpur and a PhD from PennState, Prasad Rao boasts of Regulatory experience in NSPS/MACT & NAAQS. His PhD Thesis modeled the economic optimization of Petroleum Refineries. Prasad has Journal papers & presentations to prove and cap his achievements.

Over the years preceding AltKuznets, Prasad Rao authored several blogs on a wide variety of economic and environmental subjects of topical interests. Never one to hide his Sustainability affiliations, his blogs have explored such diverse issues as resolution of inter-jurisdictional riverine disputes, the 'punarjanma' phenomenon concerning fossil-fuel-sourced power (& its resolution), the prelude to Commons-SDRE Bonds, the Politics & Economics of Government Spending, the operation of Gold markets in Sustainability operations, the perils of a Per-Capita Economy, Inflation Intrigue, the two-edged Infra Knife, and to cap it all .... Regulatory Reform! His writings have not only explored the inconvenient facts often brushed aside or pushed under the carpet, but also offer solutions that are grounded in Whole FV Finance and offer expeditious resolutions to those externalities.

Broaden your perspective of Social and Economic issues. Whether a Sociologist, a Career Politician, a Policy Wonk, a Professional Regulator, a Board Executive exploring Biz possibilities, a Corporate Sustainability Manager looking to add Environmental Capital, an avid Sustainability & Economics Student, or a Journalist, AltKuz has something for you !

What's up at AltKuznets?
Our Recognitions, Citations & Copyrights, Talks & Webinars !

* AltKuznets has secured a UK Copyright for its much anticipated 'War Options-Hedges & Peace Equities' Biz Proposal !  

* Welcome AltKuz Climate Renewables , and .... await its Follow Twin, AltKuz FLEXCAP ! AltKuznets has incorporated AltKuz Climate Renewables with intent to apply its Green Hydrogen, Sustainable Cooling and Bio-Ethanol-BESS strategies.

* Join us in welcoming the 'AltKuz Quartet' : Safe with AltKuz Ltd , AltKuz Circular Economy Ltd , AltKuz CapGain Global Ltd and ..... AltKuz NxT EVconomy Ltd !  

* AltKuznets has successfully copyrighted its publicly-acclaimed 'Safe with AltKuz' Personal Mobility & Public Transport Paradigm !  

* AltKuznets recognized as a Startup with Growth Potential ! Click here to view our DPIIT Certification.

* AltKuznets cited by BestStartupAsia !
Click here for an Informal Interview with Director Prasad Rao, PhD

* Click here for a PDF Abstract of the half-hour Talk on Green Hydrogen Regulatory & Biz Opportunities

* AltKuznets issued Copyrights for its Designs in Cap Gain ETFs, LIFE, SDG, Participatory Democracy, Green Hydrogen, Medical Plastics & Waste Externalities! That's Biz Opportunity knocking on your Doors !  

Browse Our Proposals: A Sampling of Proposals
& Biz Ideas from the Director's Desk

Now incorporating 'ALTKUZ CLIMATE RENEWABLES' with 'The AltKuznets Sustainable Cooling Proposal' (Copyright Pending)
A globally-pareto, 4-pronged Green Hydrogen-Solar Schump (Sustainable Cooling) - BioEthanol & Wind-BESS Strategy to stop Climate Change in its tracks ! Good for the Planet..... A Better Society.... and Great for the Markets !

The AltKuznets FLEX-CAP - An Alternative to the Net Zero !
Are you a Policymaker disillusioned over the ever-rising CO2 Concentration graph ..... and looking for a must-work strategy to contain Climate change before Climate Change reduces Humanity?

Consider the AltKuznets FlexCap Derivative Strategy. Our strategy leverages the authority of a Commons-Climate Bond, and the Power of Derivatives in the Financial markets to design a Bullion & Insurance-participated mechanism that not only monetizes Climate damages, but also forces a steep cost on violations of the temporal path of Fossil fuel market share that obtains eventual Climate Sanity.

Read about our under-Copyright Strategy here
Register your advance Interest here here

Beat this Tax-leveraged abatement of Environmental Externalities
An AMT-leveraged, globally-applicable 'Tax Crypto'-based strategy to save on your Personal Taxes within a larger Economic & Environmental context that leverages Tax-abating Certificates to kickstart Environmental Remediation to the Alps ! Buy in to the Green... Trade your Taxes away!!!

Psst: Now, with a Mirror strategy that leverages Capital Gains to increment Sustainability and monetize Inter-Precinct and Local Budgets !

The AltKuznets GST-Boosted Sustainability Paradigm!
AltKuznets offers a unique and globally-valid strategy to augment the Circularity of goods and services traded on the worldwide Internet. Our Copyright-pending strategy leverages the GST Authority as a nerve-center, and proposes a mirror entity that acts centrally on behalf the entire group of Producers and Consumers. The Sustainability-linked Tax rate strategy offers tangible benefits to both groups even as it allocates Sustainability gains from its set of multi-media Environmental Remediation programs as incremnents to their Environmental Remediation Participation Score by their transaction volumes and degree of praticipation.

Write us early to evince a Business Interest !

A Hearty Welcome to the Green Hydrogen Revolution!
Learn how AltKuznets would design the future Hydrogen-rich Society. Our 'An Alt-NHM Strategy to Boost the Green Hydrogen Economy' Sector Proposal lays the roadmap for a financially-incentivized Green Hydrogen Sector that could transform the Sustainability Scape around you. Our design is compatible across Sectoral strategies in Carbon Sequestration, Transport, Residential, and Industrial Verticals.

Social Status-leveraged Sustainability
Democracy is an art Politicians excel at.... But how'd a Society strategize around the inter-life Status of its members? AltKuznets offers a 'first-of-its-kind' formulaic interpretation of Social Status that Citizens may leverage to increment their inter-life status while adding to Precinct Environmental & Social Sustainability. Our Strategy jump starts and adds to Precinct Sustainability, while adding to Externality-remediating Business & Employment !

Sustainable Construction & Affordable Housing
AltKuznets has the Mother of all ideas for Sustainable & Affordable Construction. Its two-pronged strategy offers a Market-based Schumpeterian design that obtains globally-sustainable outcomes for the Housing Sector when paired to a Precinct-based Deep-Shallow Monetization paradigm around the Precinct Housing Pyramid. This design offers the potential of expanding Precinct Capital concomitant with Housing ETF-leveraged environmentally- & socially-pareto expansion of Houses & Families.

AltKuznets is proud to participate in the PM's Call for Sustainable Lifestyle, L.I.F.E, program proposed at the G20 Forum. Our Preliminary Proposal anticipates the Income-associated Consumption Externality with a 3-pronged Strategy. Tune in to our Blog site for updates !

Register your Business Interests here!  

Hello to members of the Public! Browse our Proposals & Sustainability Essays at our Public Blog 

Reach Us


Prasad Rao, MTech PhD PennState
DIN: 09184438


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Peek @ the Director's Profile

MCA & GST Registered